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Quantum medicine, diagnostics and therapy

The time that is coming!

Quantum medicine is the medicine of the future. It is based on the knowledge from quantum physics that every cell, tissue and organ have their own specific frequencies. With the help of the apparatus, the body can be restored to health by making it vibrate at its own, natural frequencies.

The programs we provide in the field of quantum medicine

In addition to existing imbalances, it is possible to identify energy disturbances long before they manifest physically.

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With quantum medicine to proper nutrition

Quantum medicine against chronic fatigue

Quantum medicine in the service of treating all kinds of allergies

Detoxification of the body with quantum medicine

Quantum medicine in the service of treating hormonal disorders and imbalances

Quantum medicine programme to strengthen immunity


Regumed is a German company with thirty years of tradition. Its device BICOM OPTIMA is effective in the treatment of:

  • Viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections (influenza, coxsackie, hepatitis, escherichia coli, candida),
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Headache and migraine,
  • As well as in
  • Improving immunity

NEW with us

We are equipped with the most modern diagnostic device Bicom Body Check 2, which shows the energy state of all tissues and organs in the body.

Quantum medicine with the help of the BICOM BodyCheck2 device allows us to perform a complete, bioenergetic health check. It automatically scans and evaluates the frequency patterns of the entire body, including internal organs, bones and tissues down to the cellular level.


BICOM BodiCheck2 is a bioenergetic testing method that measures the entire state of the body using special headphones.

In addition to existing imbalances, it is possible to identify energy disturbances long before they manifest physically.

With extensive visualisation, we take you on your own scanning journey. Understanding and cooperation are greatly increased.
We quickly get an overview of the energy status of your organism. In case of detected disturbances, BICOM BodyCheck2 will suggest possible causes and provide appropriate guidelines for further treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions in Quantum Medicine

What is quantum medicine?

Quantum medicine is the medicine of the future. It is based on the knowledge from quantum physics that every cell, tissue and organ have their own specific frequencies. With the help of the apparatus, the body can be restored to health by making it vibrate at its own, natural frequencies.

What can we treat u quantum medicine?

Bioresonance therapy achieves significant success in conditions and diseases where other methods and drugs did not give the desired results

Can quantum medicine cure allergies?

Although allergies are understood as diseases or dysfunctions, they can also be considered as the body protective responses. This discomfort and the immune response potential risk have their functions.

Allergies are the last line of defence against toxic compounds from the environment. If something exceeds the body’s ability to detoxify it, a defence is created in the body. It is usually mediated by IgE antibodies, and once hypersensitivity to something is established, it will always recognise it and initiate a chain of biochemical reactions.

This cascade results in the well-known symptoms of an allergic reaction: skin changes, itching, sneezing, coughing. Symptoms are actually an attempt to block or eliminate a recognised threat to the organism. The potential for allergic sensitization and the ability to detoxify are inversely proportional.

Allergies can be alleviated and cured with the help of quantum medicine and Kvant Expert

Already after the first treatment of certain therapeutic programs and choosing adequate food, the symptoms can be significantly reduced. It is not unusual that after 2 to 3 therapy sessions, the amount of medication is reduced, and often it is completely eliminated after 5 to 6 sessions. This refers to persistent cases where allergies last for several years and where patients were obliged to constantly take medication.

What food is healthy?

The closest to the truth might be the answer: “That, which has not been touched by human hands.”. We have witnessed huge changes in our environment in the last thirty years, as well as in the food we take, but our organs and cells have not changed. Let’s compare just one average lunch now and 30 years ago. Let’s ask ourselves why there are so many new diseases and so many more ill people, despite the progress of medicine and technology?

As a result of inadequate nutrition, various disorders appear with different names and abbreviations, and much of it boils down to one thing: we eat inappropriate food. It used to be a donut with sugar, but now everything is mega, giga, and has jam and chocolate. It’s as if the limits of human endurance are being tested.

Often, patients ask: “Do I have helicobacter?”, and much more often the cause of pain is the chronic pancreatitis, which we can diagnose with the latest quantum medicine devices.
These changes in the pancreas are initial and they are not followed by the laboratory analyses changes. With an appropriate diet modification and the Kvant Expert therapy, the condition will quickly normalise and thereby painful and unpleasant invasive procedures will be avoided.
Healthy food is the food that pleases us and does not cause discomfort after a meal.

The advantage of quantum medicine is the timely recognition of these disorders, which avoids more serious chronic diseases and their complications: diabetes, insulin resistance, problems with digestion, gastritis, colitis, and more.

How is quantum medicine testing done?

The testing is carried out using the latest German Regumed device in a completely painless way. The device uses the phenomenon of resonance, whereby a large amount of data is obtained. Those data cannot be provided by any laboratory of classical medicine because they do not recognise them for now.

Is the examination painless?

Quantum diagnostics of the whole organism is reliable, painless, without harmful effects and is a fast diagnostic-therapeutic method that accurately detects even the smallest disturbances in the work of individual organs.

Who is quantum medicine for?

Quantum diagnostics helps patients with certain disorders. However, it would be extremely important if young people with no disorders underwent preventive quantum examinations, so that they can know what affects their health and how to preserve it.

Quantum therapy and Dr. Đuričić gave me a quality life, as I would say "now I'm breathing fully". I continue regularly with quantum therapy, because I really like it! Recommended from the depth of my heart!

Marija ZlatkovićIvanjica

It is an understatement to say that I am very satisfied and I would highly recommend treatment with quantum therapy and Dr. Ivanka Đuričić to anyone who has my problem or any other. You will not regret it, you will throw away all the medicines, bring your body into balance completely, but you must strictly adhere to everything that Dr. Ivanka tells you.

Zorana RosićUžice

After just a few days, I started noticing how my body starts waking up and functioning as if some mechanism that was at a standstill had started. To say that I was amazed and delighted is an understatement.

Katarina J.Beograd